Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego: Your Compass to Mental Wellness

Experience a Revolutionary Path Toward Mental Health with Strategic Counseling

Meet Dr. Jeffrey Smith

Navigating the Storms of Persistent Mental Challenges

Every individual encounters mental health challenges, yet the voyage through such storms is deeply personal and uniquely intricate. Traditional approaches can often feel like navigating through treacherous waters without a compass. Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego, strategically deployed by our adept team, introduces a pioneering approach, providing a guide through the tumultuous seas of your mental health journey, steering toward a haven of stability, understanding, and comprehensive wellness.

Anchoring Trust with Strategic Counseling

Strategic Counseling, stationed at 1304 North Melrose Drive Suite J, Vista 92083, and reachable at 760 207 6617, heralds a beacon of hope through Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego. Your journey with us is not just a clinical procedure; it's an amalgamation of scientifically-backed therapy, and a heartfelt understanding of your mental voyage. By weaving rigorous scientific expertise with genuine empathy, we ensure your expedition towards mental wellness is securely anchored in both clinical excellence and emotional support.

Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego

Your Narrative at the Helm

At Strategic Counseling, Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego is not merely a service. It is a holistic, tailored therapeutic journey where your narrative is the captain steering the ship. We consider your experiences, your struggles, and your aspirations pivotal in charting out the therapeutic strategy, making sure that the course defined is not only scientifically grounded but is also reflective and considerate of your unique mental and emotional landscape.

Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego

Journey Towards Holistic Wellness

Embarking upon the Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego with Strategic Counseling translates to more than therapy; it's a commitment to a journey. A journey where your mental and emotional wellness is not simply a destination but a path that's shaped with equal parts scientific prowess and compassionate understanding. We ensure your voyage is not only illuminated by the clinical efficacy of ketamine but is also enriched, understood, and empathetically supported every nautical mile of the way.

Set Sail Towards Your Wellness with Strategic Counseling

Commence your journey with Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego at Strategic Counseling, where the course to mental wellness is charted with clinical precision and emotional depth. Reach out to us at 760 207 6617, and take the helm alongside us on this transformative journey. A voyage where each wave, each current, and each calm is navigated with scientific astuteness and a deep, resonating empathy, ensuring a pathway that's not only about reaching mental wellness but is also about being understood, being heard, and being supported.

Why Navigate with Strategic Counseling?

  • Embark on a journey where scientific excellence and empathetic understanding sail together.
  • Navigate a path where your narrative is at the helm, steering the therapeutic strategy.
  • Experience a holistic voyage towards wellness, where your experiences are validated, acknowledged, and integral.
  • Be part of a therapeutic journey that is not only about treatment but is about understanding, empathy, and consistent support.
  • Set sail with a therapy that's not merely about clinical outcomes but is also about emotional and mental enrichment.

Ketamine Assisted Therapy

Treatment Plan

  • Ketamine Treatments generally last 2 to 21/2 hours.
  • Ketamine Treatments use an oral form of Ketamine called Troches that dissolve in the mouth over a period of 20 minutes. The other form of Ketamine is a rapid acting, liquid Nasal Spray, that can be combined with the oral form of the medication.
  • The process begins with a 15-minute, virtual, medical screening by a Nurse Practitioner.
  • Once cleared by the Nurse Practitioner, a prescription is sent to a pharmacy that will fill the prescription and send it to your home address.
  • Patients bring their medication with them to their treatment sessions and use it under the supervision of a licensed Psychotherapist who is certified in both Psychedelic Assisted Therapy and Ketamine Assisted Therapy.
  • Prior to each treatment session, patients establish an intension for their session or "journey". Therapy is conducted during the session as challenging sub-conscious material emerges. Integration of what was discovered is processed. A plan is generated for applying the discoveries to the patient's life, following each treatment.
  • Current research-based treatment protocols include six successive Ketamine Treatments, conducted in one-week intervals, over a period of six weeks.
  • The process is repeated 6 times. Patients determine if they have reached their treatment goals and begin to apply their new discoveries to their life by making the changes revealed to them during the treatment process (much like having a life altering, unforgettable and undeniable intense dream).
  • Patients also have the option to micro-dose the medication both between treatments and following the 6-treatment protocol. If desired, the Nurse Practitioner will reorder the medication at the conclusion of the protocol in the follow-up interview.
  • Some patients may seek an additional 6-week protocol shortly after or several months after their initial treatment, depending on their level of severity. Others may desire another protocol within 6 months to a year and some may find that one protocol is sufficient to satisfy their treatment goals.
  • The cost for one protocol of six Ketamine Treatments is $2,400.00
  • The cost of the medical screening and post protocol follow-up interview is $350.00.
  • The total cost of both forms of the Ketamine Medication is approximately $150.00.
  • Treatment can be performed in-person or virtually. If done in-person, patients are not allowed to drive until they have waited at least one hour after their treatment. Having a ride afterward is preferred. If virtual treatment is desired, a "safety-sitter" is required to be present during the treatment to assist with any physical needs that may arise.
  • A superbill will be provided for those seeking insurance reimbursement.
  • CarlsBad
  • Del Mar
  • Encinitas
  • Escondido
  • La Jolla
  • Oceanside
  • Poway
  • Rancho Sante Fe
  • San Diego
  • San Marcos
  • Solana Beach
  • UTC
  • Vista

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Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego
Psychedelic-Assisted Psychotherapy In San Diego
Ketamine Therapy San Diego
Ketamine-Assisted Therapy In San Diego
Ketamine Treatment San Diego

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